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"Neither position, nor fame, nor honors, nor wealth. nor the desire to become more powerful than other people have any attraction for me. 

These have all vanished away." 

Morihei Ueshiba Sensei

"After contests, one always has a bad feeling whether he/she wins or loses. Afterwards, resentment always remains."

Morihei Ueshiba Sensei

Bogdan Chivulescu Sensei

Bogdan Chivulescu pioneered the art of Ki Aikido in Romania under the supervision and guidance of the Ki Federation of Great Britain, (KFGB), a UK Ki Aikido based organization.

He opened the first Ki Aikido club in Bucharest in the Spring of 1991. A few years later, in the fall of 1994 he was granted official permission by the Romanian Ministry of Sports & Education to establish the first Ki Aikido organization, promoting principles of mind and body coordination and the art of Ki Aikido in Romania. Throughout the years, Bogdan organized and set up various courses /seminars in Bucharest, taught by teachers from the KFGB executive board committee.

In the summer of 2001, he emigrated to Alberta, Canada to pursue a professional career in mechanical engineering. In the spring of 2003, Sensei Bogdan started having reservations and concerns about the double standards and biases perpetrated by the Ki Federation of GB British Leadership.  After careful consideration, he resigned from that organization..."

After several years living in Alberta Canada,  Sensei Chivulescu managed to open his first club in Edmonton, Alberta in January 2005, and resumed his practice and teaching of Ki Aikido.  In April 2005 he joined Aikido UK, an Aikido organization based in Scotland, UK whose president and technical director was Sensei William Andrew, a former executive committee member in the Ki Federation of GB.​ 


The mentorship and expert guidance of Sensei William Andrew, as well as the continuous support of the Aikido UK clubs in Glasgow would give Bogdan Chivulescu Sensei  the opportunity to learn and practice the subtlest and profound aspects of the art.

From April 2005 to October 2009 and from April 2012 until January 2020, Sensei Bogdan was affiliated to Aikido UK.

Why I Train:

Many years ago I took up Karate Do (Shotokan/Fudokan school) while I was pursuing my mechanical engineering  university degree. After several years of practicing that art, I was not happy with the outcomes of that martial art training, where the emphasis and the objectives of the training were geared to merely winning over others, particularly in adrenaline fuelled competitions and sparring. 


I sought an art that could teach me how to master the art of living relaxation and true living calmness. I also wanted to practice a martial art where there were no competition or matches of any kind. In my eyes, an art that continually forces you to compete with other human beings, and show off to prove that you are better than everyone else, eventually makes the mind inflexible, dull and unfeeling.


After doing some research I finally came across the art of Ki Aikido, and after attending a few classes and seminars in UK, I knew this was the art I had been looking for. Throughout the years, training in Ki Aikido has given me the opportunity to develop my awareness to deeper and subtler levels. It has also helped me cultivate true calmness and positive relaxation in daily life circumstances. This "calmness" is the embodiment of a fearless mind that is unfettered and immovable. It is a state of equanimity and imperturbability that can be employed in different daily life situations.  Of course, the journey never ends and I still have a lot to learn, but my study continues to inspire me to be a more humble person.

Lineage of Teachers:

1. Sensei Bill Andrew

2. Kenneth Williams

3. Koichi Tohei Sensei

4. Morihei Ueshiba Sensei

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